My Healing Practice

As a minister of the gospel for more than fifty years, and believing that men and women are
beings (body, soul and spirit), I have a strong sense of calling to minister to the total person.
This divine calling has led me to pastor five churches during the past five decades, affording me the opportunities, privileges and responsibilities to be accepted into the experiences of children, youth and adults of all ages. These experiences have been times of great joy and deep sorrow.
Believing that Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, is the Great Physician, who is capable of healing the total person, I have desired to be an instrument in his hands, ministering to others in his Name and for their highest good. As such a human instrument I am blessed to be a conduit to receive from a loving God and to allow his love, compassion and power to flow through me unto others. This is joy unspeakable; being privileged to weep with those who weep, and to rejoice with those who are made happy.
Now, to be more specific in describing the practice of healing given to me for others would include the ministry of praying (verbal and non-verbal); the administration of the sacraments of baptism and communion; discreetly touching; and anointing with essential oils (head and/or feet) and pastoral counseling. Included in my practice of healing has often been simply but profoundly, a ‘ministry of presence’. My practice of healing has been experienced privately in homes and in my Office, and publicly in congregational services. The environments of this healing ministry have also been in hospitals (emergency rooms, intensive care units, waiting areas, rehabilitation units) and the local hospice care center, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and funeral homes.
This attempt to describe my personal healing practice is in reality only the ‘touching of the hem of His garment’.