HEALING TOUCH An Integrative Therapy in Outpatient Oncolo
Hickman Cancer Center at ProMedica Flower Hospital in Sylvania, Ohio, provides comprehensive outpatient oncology services to patients from prevention through treatment and beyond. As the hub for ProMedica Cancer Institute, Hickman Cancer Center served over 3,800 newly diagnosed cancer patients at ProMedica facilities throughout a 27-county service area in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan during 2013.
In addition to high-quality clinical care, multiple supportive services are provided to patients, including Healing Care. The Healing Care Program provides complementary services that support oncology patients and their caregiver(s) throughout treatment and for two years after treatment. These include group classes - such as yoga, Nia and aromatherapy - and - one-on-one sessions that include Healing Touch, Guided Imagery, aromatherapy or a combination of these therapies. In addition, practitioners often integrate prayer, meditation and/or breathing exercises as part of the session. Practitioners assist individuals with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual concerns, such as lack of energy, nausea, discomfort, anxiety, stress, and/or balance. The Healing Care Program is staffed by two registered nurses and one licensed practical nurse (approximately one full-time position), who have a variety of holistic experience. All three nurses are trained in Healing Touch and two are certified practitioners; all have aromatherapy education with two completing certification; two have specialized education in guided imagery; one is educated in Qi Gong and one is certified as a Nia (holistic exercise) instructor. Together, they have over 40 years of experience in providing complementary therapies to patients.
Patients are introduced to the Healing Care Program through a brochure they receive at patient orientation. As part of patient-caregiver-nursing interactions, it is common for the nurses to discuss the complementary services available through the Program. Patients and caregivers can self-refer or can be referred by someone from their healthcare team. In 2013, nearly 600 people participated in group classes and 340 received one-on-one sessions. In addition, over 1,000 patients received massage therapy by an oncology-certified therapist during chemotherapy. This service was provided through a collaborative agreement with The Victory Center.
The Victory Center is a local, non-profit organization whose mission is to support and educate cancer patients and those closest to them by providing individual and group services in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Since 1996 The Victory Center has been reaching out to cancer patients and their families - providing love, support, compassion, hope and laughter. Healing Care practitioners provide weekly services, including Healing Touch and group classes, at The Victory Center. This collaboration strengthens services that benefit people with a cancer diagnosis throughout the community and surrounding areas.
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Healing Touch
An Integrative Therapy in Outpatient Oncology Debra Reis, MSN, RN, CNP, Program Coordinator - Healing Care, ProMedica Cancer Institute Tisha Jones, MSW, ProMedica
18 May/June 2014 | Energy MagazineTM Healing Touch - An Integrative Therapy