master classes
centering prayer for connection, energy, attunement to the divine
louise sloan goben, d.min.
The practice of centering prayer is an expression of our intention to connect more closely with God, and allow God to pray in us! To connect with us, giving and receiving. It is a form of contemplative prayer rooted in ancient practices of the Church and based on the wisdom sayings of Jesus.
increasing your connection & frequency in your prayer & meditation with essential oils
kate brown, cca, htsm-cp, htacp
Learn how to increase your connection and frequency during prayer and meditation to bring about greater peace, clam and healing. Also learn how to use Essential Oils to counter the effects of fallout from COVID, drug use, suicide, PTSD, loneliness and depression.
ESSENTIAL OILS: The what, why & how of essential oils
yolanda heath, nd, cca, integrative wellness specialist
Explore both ancient as well as modern-day oils, learning how to benefit from the use of essential oils for anointing, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, as well as ways to ehance your spiritual practices such as meditation.