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Louise Sloan Goben - d.min, m. div, ma, htsm-cp/i

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Louise has been an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for over 30 years and has served several congregations in the greater Los Angles area. She has retired from parish ministry and continues to serve as the Board Chair for the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Panty, and also teaches classes in Religion at Los Angeles Pierce College. Louise believes in a deep commitment for the role of meditation and spiritual connection that she understands is the heart of spiritual healing.
As a Certified Practitioner and Instructor for Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry, Louise recognizes that her mission is to introduce healing and anointing to all in the church who feel called to share this work. She has seen first-hand the impact of prayer and the laying-on-of-hands in the lives of those who share this remarkable gift.

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