Kathy Petsche - CCA, RCR, EMT

Kathy spent over 27 years in the banking industry, and in 2006, became interested in aromatherapy as a way to enhance her overall health. She decided to make the commitment to formalizing her training, and completed the CCA Program in 2007. Kathy also completed Essential Oils for Cancer Care and Introduction to Therapeutic Essential Oils in Healthcare Settings. In order to expand her practice, Kathy completed the Reflexology Certification Program through "Reflexology - Plus".
She opened her practice, "Hands to Sole Reflexology and Aromatherapy" in January 2012, offering Aromatherapy Consulting and Reflexology sessions. Kathy also taught some essential oils classes at Prairiewoods Retreat Center in Hiawatha, IA, and at other community events.
With an ongoing interest in essential oils, and the possibility of providing essential oils work for horses, Kathy became certified in Equine Massage Therapy in April 2014, through "Therasage EMC". She says "Being in the barn with these wonderful animals in amazing!"